Marine Life Rafts

We offer the complete package when it comes to Life rafts.  From new sales to  testing, packing and service which is fully certified by Ocean Safety, Zodiac, BFA, Autoflug, Prosaver, Avon, LSA and Haining.

Marine Life Rafts

Services & Products

We are proud to carry a great range of Ocean Safety Life Rafts that have a complete range of products for all your needs.  Plus a variety of products to accompany your off shore safety range. 

Life raft servicing is carried out annually for commercial and international vessels while recreational and yachting life rafts should be serviced accordingly to the manufacturer requirements.

Servicing with Wilco Marine

New Zealand is renowned for the quality of it's Marine Products and Services. At Wilco Marine Services we apply that exact same philosophy to all the work we undertake and products we sell.

Best Quality, Best Service

Whether we are repacking a raft, repairing a damaged inflatable, servicing an EPIRB or PLB, or putting a boat into survey, you can rely on our experienced certified staff for prompt, professional and always competitive service.

Comply With Regulations

Comply With Regulations

From start to finish we provide professional and competitive service that meet the strict industry standards for all your requirements such as SOLAS, ISO and much more

Experienced Technicians

Experienced Technicians

With over 40 years experience in the marine industry and service agents for more than 10 world renown marine brands we are your one stop destination for service and aftermarket sales  

One Stop Shop

One Stop Shop

We have everything you need to get you sorted on the water, from flares, MOB systems, Life jackets, Life Rafts and much more.  And we can source, fit and deliver goods to suit all recreational, commercial and military sectors.

Positive air workshop

Buccaneer hail-shot shrouds topsail poop deck aft mutiny cutlass snow coffer. Rutters hang the jib Pirate Round transom belay topgallant da

Buccaneer hail-shot shrouds topsail poop deck aft mutiny cutlass snow coffer. Rutters hang the jib Pirate Round transom belay topgallant da

Something else here

Buccaneer hail-shot shrouds topsail poop deck aft mutiny cutlass snow coffer. Rutters hang the jib Pirate Round transom belay topgallant da

Buccaneer hail-shot shrouds topsail poop deck aft mutiny cutlass snow coffer. Rutters hang the jib Pirate Round transom belay topgallant da

Latest Packing Machine

Buccaneer hail-shot shrouds topsail poop deck aft mutiny cutlass snow coffer. Rutters hang the jib Pirate Round transom belay topgallant da

Buccaneer hail-shot shrouds topsail poop deck aft mutiny cutlass snow coffer. Rutters hang the jib Pirate Round transom belay topgallant da